mcc group and china mcc marketing work conference in 2023 is held in beijing-尊龙凯时·中国官方网站

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mcc group and china mcc marketing work conference in 2023 is held in beijing
source: author: release time:2023-02-17

  on the morning of february 17, mcc group and china mcc marketing work conference in 2023 was held in beijing via "live video." the conference comprehensively summarized the marketing work in 2022, arranged and deployed the key marketing work in 2023, further made a clear direction, unified thinking, gathered strength, and made a plan to ensure the achievement of annual marketing goals. chen jianguang, member of the party group and deputy general manager of china minmetals, secretary of the party committee of mcc group, and chairman of mcc group and china mcc, attended the conference and delivered a speech; zhang mengxing, deputy secretary of the party committee of mcc group, secretary of the party committee and president of china mcc, presided over the conference and made a summary speech; zhu guangxia, member of the standing committee of the party committee of mcc group and china mcc, and vice president of china mcc, made a work report.

  at the conference, chen jianguang delivered a speech entitled strengthening confidence and exerting the utmost effort to achieve the goal of "one establishment, the best and the most trusted, and five strengths" with marketing as the leading role, emphasizing that we should seriously implement the work requirements proposed by chairman weng zuliang of china minmetals during his investigation in shanghai, closely focus on the high-quality development, and set off a new round of development upsurge for mcc with marketing as the leading role.

  chen jianguang comprehensively analyzed the current development environment of mcc from situations, strategies, and measures, and proposed six requirements for the next work. i. build consensus and further make clear the leading role of marketing. we should lead the high-quality development of the enterprise and complete annual tasks and targets. ii. deeply explore regional development and further optimize the market layout. we should, combined with the policy of "slimming and fitness" for state-owned enterprises, perfect the marketing system, focus on key markets, optimize market layout, intensify the primacy ratio of the headquarters market, and improve market concentration. iii. strengthen determination and further intensify the "three excellence" marketing concept. we should focus on high-quality markets, deeply explore the "1 m n" area, strengthen research and judgment, and fully exploit the five major urban agglomerations and economic hotspots. iv. improve our core skills and further lift our public investment ability. we should strengthen the market awareness of the public investment, cultivate our own technical strength, project management and business management capabilities through building an external image and strengthening our internal quality, to participate in market competition. v. optimize the system construction and further intensify the marketing linkage mechanism. we should strive to consolidate fundamental management and establish a mega marketing concept. vi. keep strictly the rules for reward and punishment and further increase positive incentives and negative constraints. we should further perfect the incentive mechanism for rewards and punishments, enhance the bottom line awareness, and continue to pay close attention to the team building of marketing personnel.

  zhang mengxing made a conference summary around how to implement the spirit of the conference. he pointed out that after the conference, all units should seriously organize study to quickly convey and implement the spirit of the conference, and make practical results with practical actions to ensure another new high in marketing and make greater contributions to accelerating the realization of "one establishment, the best and the most trusted, and five strengths." i. determine the victory of annual marketing goals with the spirit of daring to face challenges. we should face everything ourselves with firmer confidence, fuller spirit, and much vigor, and readily accept responsibilities for mcc. ii. shoulder the heavy responsibility for high-quality development as the top priority of the country. each subsidiary should accelerate its development and make every effort to ensure a good start in the first quarter and the achievement of annual goals. iii. improve the marketing quality with solid tenacity. on the basis of maintaining the growth of the new signing scale, we should pay more attention to the quality of contracts, ensure the stable, long-term, and high-quality development of the enterprise, and firmly adhere to the principle of "one less project is better than one more mistake."

  zhu guangxia made a work report entitled striving bravely to compete in the market and improving quality with practical actions to fully achieve the goal of "one establishment, the best and the most trusted, and five strengths," summarized and reported the achievements and insufficiencies of marketing work in 2022, and deployed work for 2023 in seven aspects. first, we should aim at the goals and earnestly achieve annual targets with high quality; second, we should focus on high-end growth and further improve the marketing quality; third, we should lay a solid foundation and fully consolidate the systematic fundamental management; fourth, we should improve weak links and actively improve multiple elements of the public investment ability; fifth, we should take accurate measures and vigorously carry out the dislocation development; sixth, we should make breakthroughs and strongly promote the leapfrog development of tertiary companies; seventh, we should be honest and self-disciplined and firmly create a clean and upright marketing system.

  at the conference, three subsidiaries, ceri, china mcc5, and shanghai baoye, made exchange speeches, while another three, china third metallurgical, mcc communication, and mcc international, made statements.

  qu yang and zeng jianzhong, members of the standing committee of the party committee of mcc group and china mcc, and vice presidents of china mcc, yang jingzhou, general counsel of mcc group and china mcc; main principals of subsidiaries in beijing, main principals of some subsidiaries within mcc tower, members of the leading group in charge of marketing, investment and financing, and heads of relevant functional departments; main principals of relevant functional departments and relevant personnel in headquarters, attended the conference in the main venue. the main principals of mcc group and china mcc related subsidiaries (including tertiary companies and affiliated supervision enterprises), members of the leading group in charge of marketing, investment and financing, and heads of relevant departments, attended the conference in the branch venue via video.

chen jianguang delivers a speech

zhang mengxing presides over the conference and makes a summary speech

zhu guangxia makes a work report

  scene of the conference

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